domenica 9 settembre 2012

Broken Idea

Let's talk about randomness. Uhmm I took this one the day I was back from my summer holidays I think, or something like that. Well, it's not very important to be honest. I wasn't posting pictures since 2 weeks or so and I was running out of ideas a bit. Then I saw THIS. A garden lamp. A fucking garden lamp you know, one of the most stupid subjects I could choose to take a photo, and of course, I did. I was pretty sure that the result would been horrible, the pic was kinda mediocre and not at the best quality, but when I started to edit, I admit I was a little impressed. Nothing special heh, but I loved how this average thing has assumed an own personality. I've looked a lot at the spiral inside, hoping it would suddenly turn on and shine in a cold blue-silver light. Since the lamp is a representation of the "Idea" I still would like to have a switch on my cellphone (or somewhere else) to turn it on and off when I'm bored, but this is life: some days you have plenty of Ideas/thoughts and you can make 'em shine for you and everyone is watching in your direction. On the contrary, some days you have to accept that even an Idea could be broken and wait silently in the shadow, like this one.

Filter: "Hudson"

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